
There are many ways that you could volunteer to help us here at SOS. We never seem to have time to do everything!

Even just two hours a week could make all the difference. It is great fun and helps us with essential activities. Could you volunteer to help with any of the following?

  • Groom and play
  • Walking dogs
  • Mending fencing, grass strimming, etc.
  • Don’t forget – you can also donate money or materials

 We socialise our dogs through walks and play to prepare for a new home.

So if you fancy joining our dogs in the play area and throwing a ball for them, helping to groom them or giving them a cuddle or help with fundraising or repairs to the shelter then get in touch—we would love to hear from you.

Please contact Therese on +34 (0) 653 257 875 or email us at info@sos-animals.org

Visit our Facebook page for regular updates. 

Volunteer dog walking at SOS Animals Spain